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Animal Lab

Total: 17 products


Apply disinfectants and cleaning solutions to animal lab floors, walls and ceilings with Contec’s VertiKlean MAX, EasyCurve and Edgeless mops. Remove dust, hair, pin-worm eggs and other tiny contaminants with our unique Tax-Fre Dry Mop.

·  Autoclavable Bucket with Slinger™
   2726; Polypropylene bucket w/ Slinger and frame, 6.5 gallon (25L), blue
·  Bucket System 2769-KIT
   Stainless steel cart with standard casters and two 5 gallon (20L) autoclavable polypropylene buckets
·  Bucket System 2770-KIT
   Stainless steel cart with heavy-duty casters and two 5 gallon (20L) autoclavable polypropylene buckets.
·  Bucket System 2771-KIT
   Stainless steel cart with standard casters and two 6.5 gallon (25L) autoclavable polypropylene buckets.
·  Bucket System 2772-KIT
   Stainless steel cart with heavy-duty casters and two 6.5 gallon (25L) autoclavable polypropylene buckets.
·  EasyCurve™ Mopping System
   Lightweight mop for ceilings, walls and floors
·  EasySat™ Bucketless Floor Mop
   Bucketless Floor Mop
·  Long Textured Edgeless® Mopping System
   Polyester textured tube mop
·  Polypropylene Double Bucket System
   2720; Autoclavable polypropylene cart and two buckets
·  Polypropylene Single Bucket System
   2721; Autoclavable polypropylene cart and bucket
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